Kirsti Knits

Time - such a precious Gift is it; To work, to read, and Yes, to knit. - Minnie Gertz

Monday, December 12, 2005

Eeps! Way overdue SP post

Yikes. I found these photos on my camera while trying to download current knitting progress pics ... and realised I'd forgotten to rave about my final Secret Pal package.

So I'm going to cheat and reuse my post from the Knitty board, but with appropriate photos inserted. The parcel actually arrived on the day of my previous post...

I received my final SP parcel - and how could it be anything else, with "I *heart* Knitty" written all over the outside.. and yummy warming cosy winter goodness inside.

Some "stash" tea (and how appropriate is that for a knitter??) - double bergamot earl grey. I've made a cup already and it is perhaps the best Earl Grey I've had ... definitely better than anything I've found here in the States so far.

A Burts Bees handcare kit - just right to keep my hands in knitting form in this cold Michigan weather ... gloves, handcream, cuticle cream, hand repair cream and healing gloves. And it's all yummy smelling too.

And finally, my third installment of the most scrumptious dark chocolate by Dagoba - I'm going to have to track that down nearby. Terry's so far fought me for every bar.. ("Did you get another Knitty package? Is there chocolate in it again??")

It was all beautifully wrapped in tissue paper tied with neat variegated yarn ... Tricky, what yarn is that and where did you find it?

Plus a card, with an unsubtle enough clue for me to finally figure out who my wonderful SP is ... the wonderful Trickyteuse. Her blog's well worth adding to your bloglines feed, or daily reads too.

OK. I'll post this, then onto more recent stuff.

At 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just so ya know, you can get the Dagoba chocolate at the Bulk Food store on my side of town...don't know if you have one out that way...but let me know if you need directions :)


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