Kirsti Knits

Time - such a precious Gift is it; To work, to read, and Yes, to knit. - Minnie Gertz

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

And now for some current stuff

So, what have I been doing recently, apart from inadvertently insulting my few readers by wondering whether they get through all my drivel. I'm sorry - and I'm very glad that you are reading.

So here's the latest creations... and yes, we're still in the Christmas knitting frenzy:

For those who aren't getting hats, Fuzzy feet aka felted slippers are the gift de jour ... I've finished two pairs, but have yet to felt them. One of the red pair is done, and I'm knitting the heel flap of its mate. I need about 3 more pairs I think.. I've got some purple yarn, some rose coloured, and enough leftovers to make a red-and-green stripey pair.
And in a "spot the difference" contest, I've knitted another fair isle hat, identical to one that I made earlier. That one was given as a birthday gift to our friend Rae, so here's its replacement. I love this colour combination - probably because that shade of teal/light blue and purple were our wedding colours.

And in non-knitting creating ... here's what I get up to while Terry is away in DC on a business trip...
They may not look like much, but taste delicious. It's a brownie-like chocolate batter, made with unsweetened and semi-sweet chocolate, with chocolate chips, pecans and walnuts stirred in. I'll post the recipe if anyone's interested. They're about as unhealthy as cookies get, but absolutely nummy.

So that's it. And now I'd better head for sleep, and stop procrastinating by hanging out online here and in Knitty chat. It's odd how much less welcoming our bedroom seems with no wife in it...

At 1:00 PM, Blogger jodi said...

I know what you mean about the empty bedroom. I find myself staying up way too late when I'm in Athens, just to put off getting into the bed alone. . .

And the cookies sound great. Yes, post the recipe, please!

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Valerie said...

I love the colors in that hat!

And those cookies look delicious (especially after reading the recipe)!

At 1:03 AM, Blogger Mauren Mureaux said...

Terry's in DC?? Well crapperz...we're only about an hour away, sheesh!!

I've yet to go into the LYS here in Westminster, too depressing with no money...LOL!! Maybe after Christmas!!

All your knitted wares look lovely as usual. ;)



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