KnitDetroit has vanished...
In case anyone from the KnitDetroit email list is reading this blog and feeling as lost as I am ... I haven't a clue what's happened, and hope that it's just some glitch at Yahoo's end of things. In the meantime, we are using the discussion forums that Julie set up a while back: Hope to see some of you over there.
Now I'm off to pack for the weekend and, oh yes, finish writing the retreat theme song...
Sunday night update...
Amby has set up a new group, until we can figure out what's happened to the old one. Join up here:
Oh, and we did indeed manage to write an uptempo song about failure, the retreat was incredible, and I managed to get about halfway through the foot of the Pomatomus sock. Hopefully I can get to the toes during tomorrow night's SNB.
Kirsti, good to meet you and the other knit obsessed gals. The sock looks awesome! Also good info on the alternative knit group. Marji
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