Well, Stitch'n'Bitch tonight was a wash-out. Julie had food poisoning, so couldn't make it. I don't know what happened to Coley. So I was Nobby No-Mates, and sat in Sweetwaters all on my own for 2 hours, knitting. *sniff*. It was good to get some knitting time in, but I did feel somewhat self-conscious. I've posted a poll to the Yahoo group to find out why more people don't show up. There's 58 members, for goodness sake. You'd think we could get more than 3 folk together at a time.
Saturday's concert was a huge success. We had a great slot - right before the interval (that's the intermission for you non-Brits). Did 3 songs with the band, then Terry closed out with a solo rendition of her medley of When You Wish Upon a Star with Someone to Watch Over Me. As the festival organizer said, she hit it out of the park. We sold 24 CDs in the 15 minute break, and another 3 afterwards, plus got 2 and a half pages of names for our mailing list.
Seeing as Saturday was also Worldwide Knit In Public day, I took my Wavy scarf along with me. I know the pattern well enough to be able to knit this in the dark. Here's the current progress:

The yarn is Cascade 220 in shade 9402 - a variegated grey. I was worried about how the light and dark colours would work with the wavy ribbing, but I'm really liking the results so far.
I spent most of the time tonight adding to the Aggressive Beginners scarf. I realised one reason why I'm having so much trouble getting motivated with this: there's no definite "end point". With Wavy, I can count my way through the 44 rows of the pattern, and I know there's 10 repeats, so it's easy to assess how far I am. So I calculated that with this scarf, the pattern repeats every 4 rows. 10 repeats of the pattern add up to about 1 repeat of the Wavy scarf. So therefore, I need to do 100 cable repeats in order to have a long enough scarf. I have an end point! And, with 16 cable repeats currently done, I'm over 1/10th of the way there. Here's a somewhat fuzzy picture of the scarf so far. The larger picture has a bit more clarity in the details.

The other big knitting progress has been on the second Booga Bag. This one's in shade 95, the same as the original pattern. This one's destined for
Suz, as per her request when I posted pics of the first one in progress. If she still wants it, that is, and isn't making her own, now she's picked up the needles again. Here's the current status, and the remaining yarn:

And just because I like the lighting and focus and angle, here's another shot:

And in lack-of-progress report... here's the current state of Soleil.

I'll get going on this again in the next day or two most likely, when I'm feeling slightly more focused. Or I might just start in on the Second Top Secret Torment My Sister thing. Hmmm.
Tomorrow is the midterm exam for all my students. I'm currently deciding which project to take with me. Any suggestions?